My regular OB does a quick ultrasound during each visit to check the babies. So he took me into another office and used a nice 3D ultrasound to check the babies.
They look great. Their kidneys are functioning and they seem to measure right on track. Each time we tried to get a close up of their faces, the little boogers would put their arms over their faces so we never got a good look.
It looks like our little girl is taking charge. They have switched positions and she is now closer to presenting (I learned that this means closer to the exit) and is now Baby A and our boy is Baby B. He is head down and she is still breech. Their movements are a lot stronger now and are starting to keep me up at night. And I'm getting huge. I need to prop a pillow under my tummy to hold it up when I go to sleep.
Rene and I have finally come to the realization that we will be bringing two more babies into our family and are starting to get their room ready. We haven't done much but we finally agreed on colors: green and brown. Rene will be painting their room this weekend. Here is a before pic and hopefully soon we'll have an after picture.
1 comment:
Lovely pics, you look gorgeous! I arrived on your blog randomly and I really like your posts and your pics aswell! I'm a mum of a little boy called Marlow and I really enjoy reading other mummy stories online. Have you picked a name for baby yet? The name you pick for your baby should be as unique as they are. I rememer I spent a lot of time chilling out choosing my baby names. Here a great link Let us know how it's going!! Jo and her little Marlow
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