Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This is for you Christopher....

We finally had our first corndogs at Disneyland. Christopher was raving about them in India. After waiting almost 10 minutes in line we were able to try our first taste of the "amazing corndogs". They are yummy and worth the wait. Thank you for the tip Christopher!

Watercolor class

I signed up the boys for a watercolor class. The class was small and Matthew and Justin ended up getting a two hour private lesson. Matthew loves to draw and paint. I'm hoping to continue with art classes for both of them. Here are their masterpieces.

Huntington Library

A few weeks ago my mom and I took the boys to the Huntinton Library. I had never been there before and was in awe of the beauty. I'm hoping to go back without the boys so I don't spend most of my time in the kids' garden getting wet. Here are a few pictures of our day.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day 2008!

Over the past few months I have been trying to change what I feed my family and what I am bringing into our home (I still love my Diet step at a time). With Justin's Alopecia acting up I'm trying to do more. I cook with "whole" foods and try and avoid all the added junk.

Now the boys and I are working on taking care of our planet. It's the only one God has given us and we need to take care of it. Here are a few things we are doing:

* starting to recycle
* cutting back on our water usage
* working on starting a compost bin
* using candles instead of turning on lights
* picking up trash
* planting more plants and flowers
* supporting our local farmers by joining a CSA

I know we have a lot more to do, and hopefully next year our list will be longer. My goal is to leave behind a small footprint and a large legacy!

Site Meter

So, thanks to Michelle and Lori I have finally discovered Site meter. I had been noticing more views to my blog and I wasn't sure where they were coming from. Well, now I know! This is what I found out:

*Someone found my blog by doing a Google search on Lego catalog.
*Another person found my blog by doing a Google search on things to be thankful for on a birthday.
*I receive a lot of referrals from Michelle, Lynnae, and Christopher.
*People have read my blog from as far away as the United Kingdom!
*My top referral comes from someone who quoted my blog onto his blog on my feelings on what happened with my pastor.
*And apparently, alot of people have found my blog by doing a Google search on my former pastor.

While flying to India I realized just how large our planet is. It took over 20 hours of traveling just to reach India. And I realized just how much larger God is. He is in control of our entire planet and knows everything that is going on! He's got the whole world in His hands.

After checking out site meter, I have also realized just how small our planet is. Someone from the United Kingdom is able to check out my blog and learn about me. It just shows that we are one big family.

So, welcome to my little world. For those of you looking for a Lego catalog, I hope you enjoyed my picture of our boys reading it. If you found me by Googling things to be thankful for on your birthday, I hope you found some inspiration. If you are friends of Michelle, Lynnae, or Christopher, you are blessed to have them in your life.

And if you found my blog while trying to find out about my pastor, I hope what I wrote gave a little background on the man he was and that you join our church in prayer that he comes back to God.

I hope you enjoy getting to know "a little bit of us".

Monday, April 7, 2008

Friday, April 4, 2008

The prize...

Matthew got a new Lego set and Justin got a Jedi Starfighter.

The scavenger hunt.

The Easter Bunny decided to send the boys on a scavenger hunt. They had to look for clues all over the house (including the fridge) and outside to find their surprise.

The egg hunt

Next came the egg hunt. If you look at Justin's eyes in all of our Easter pictures you can notice that he is starting to not feel well. By the end of the day he had a fever.

Easter 2008

We started off Easter at Revolution Downey this year. I was in the class with the older kids. Rachel organized a small egg hunt for all the kids. Here are Matthew and Justin with their loot.

After service we raced home to find a nice surprise from the Easter Bunny.

Egg hunt with Revolution

Tiffany and Selina organized a fun egg hunt for all the kids. It was great to be with everyone and the kids had a blast. Thank you girls for a wonderful time!

Once again, I lagged on taking pictures! I get caught up in all the fun that I forget. I think I need to hire Beth or Michelle to follow us around and capture all the fun we are having. Here are the few that I did manage to take. Notice how the first one doesn't even include my kids....bad mommy moment!

Egg hunt with the Long Beach Homeschoolers

We meet at the park every Wednesday with our homeschool group. One of the moms (thank you Jackie!) organized an egg hunt. The boys were so quick I was only able to snap one picture.

Lizzy the lizard.

I know it's not a great picture, but Matthew really wanted me to share this with you. Our backyard backs up to the river bed and horse stables so we find all sorts of creatures in our backyard. The boys were finally able to catch a lizard. They kept it for about an hour, named him "Lizzy", and released him. Justin keeps hoping Lizzy will come back for a visit.

Nerf dodgeball

The boys take a sports class every Wednesday with our homeschool group. Last month their coaches were teaching them how to play Nerf dodgeball. Here are a few pictures from their final game.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'm a comma

You Are a Comma
You are open minded and extremely optimistic.
You enjoy almost all facets of life. You can find the good in almost anything.

You keep yourself busy with tons of friends, activities, and interests.
You find it hard to turn down an opportunity, even if you are pressed for time.

Your friends find you fascinating, charming, and easy to talk to.
(But with so many competing interests, you friends do feel like you hardly have time for them.)

You excel in: Inspiring people

You get along best with: The Question Mark

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

36 things I am thankful for.

Since this is the eve of my 36th birthday I thought I would share the 36 things in my life that I am thankful for.

1. Jesus
2. Rene
3. Matthew and Justin
4. Revolution
5. My mom
6. My sister and her family
7. Liz
8. Monique
9. The Lasch Family
10. The Bambrick Family
11. The Bible
12. My Life Group
13. Our Disney passes
14. Our home
15. Our backyard
16. India
17. India team...all of you!
18. Homeschooling the boys
19. My Bible study group
20. Laura and her amazing faith and grace
21. Dennis and Rhonda
22. Rene's job
23. Being home with the boys
24. The grocery game
25. Food co-ops
26. Our car
27. Summer vacation
28. The internet
29. Free days at the museums
30. Our roof that no longer leaks
31. The Long Beach homeschoolers
32. A large glass of iced tea
33. Being able to cook a meal for my family
34. My Starbucks gift cards
35. My Supper Thyme gift card from Rene and the boys
36. My secret sister who blessed me with some nice gifts....thank you!