Rene took Thursday off (I think the hottest day of the week) and we went to the fair. Our friend Ann registered as a homeschool group and received free passes (including parking). Thank you Ann!
We had a blast! It's been a long time since we've been there. We checked out the Early California Heritage Exhibit where the boys got to mill corn, check out the schoolhouse (which has given me the inspiration to read Little House in the Big Woods to the boys), see how they panned for gold, and made horseshoes.
Next we went to the Kid's Zone. This building was neat! They had a room where you could build stuff with Legos, Lincoln Logs, blocks, and other fun objects. The fire safety room was cool. Firefighters were on hand to explain fire safety and to show us how to crawl on the floor if we see smoke. They were able to walk through a small room filled with smoke to practice. There was an art and bug exhibit too.
It was a hot day and to our delight we found out they had a winter wonderland building. Wow! The boys got to go sledding, have a snow fight, and visit Santa. At different times it would even "snow".
At the fair they had a program called "Read to Ride". Kids in grade school could do book reports and earn free rides at the fair. Matthew and Justin each turned in six book reports and earned nine rides each.
Once it cooled down we headed over to the barn to check out the animals. We watched the pig races and Matthew was picked to be the chearleader for the orange team. Matthew and Justin also got to try out their lasso skills. Matthew got the "calf" on his first try. Let's just say that Justin needs a lot more practice.
It was a great day and I am very thankful that we were able to spend the day together as a family.
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